🔜 UpcomingUnordered list of items that are coming soon or things we are looking into
There are several features we know we want, some we think could be useful, and other things we're still looking into. Here is the list that will be ever growing.
Imminent - Open pack page
Imminent - Create NFT pack page
Gather feedback from users regarding discoverability and what metadata should be present on an NFT pack.
Affiliate program utilizing your X (Twitter) account and the Solana account associated to it via SNS, link here . Affiliates will receive a portion of the fee immediately anytime a user creates an NFT pack using their affiliate link or if that wallet is already associated to an affiliate link.
Fully automate Kreechure holder payouts utilizing the Metaplex Hydra wallet.
Custom NFT pack collections to empower creators to make their own packs that show up on their own creator page on marketplaces such as Magic Eden and Tensor.
NFT packs that include hidden contents
Mintable NFT packs: Similar to a normal mint but users will receive up to x number of NFTs on mint.
Research task : Will the core metaplex primitives be sufficient, Core / Extensions / etc., or is a custom onchain program needed?